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Acidity in diet -

21-12-2016 à 14:44:14
Acidity in diet
Avoid eating onions, citrus fruits, spicy foods, as they worsen the acid reflux or acidity disease. This is a condition which is caused when acidic contents in stomach (hydrochloric acid) move upward into the esophagus and making it dysfunctional. This is commonly due to transient or permanent changes in the region between the esophagus and the stomach, referred to as lower esophageal sphincter. The digestive gland of the stomach and intestines also secrete various types of enzymes. Excessive intake of alcohol, smoking, keeping stomach empty for long time, skipping breakfast causes acidity. Vegetables like carrot and beet root are good for relieving acidity. Spices like cumin seeds, coriander and cardamom should be taken. These enzymes could also contribute to symptoms of heartburn. Bariatric Surgery - Short Term and Long Term Outcomes. Adult Height Potential Height and Weight for Children Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Calculator Development Milestone Immunisation. ). Pepsin is one of the enzymes that breaks down and digests food. RSS Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linked in Stumbleupon. Understanding the right treatment at right time and causes of any disease, like acidity or acid reflux, is very helpful for effective treatments. Stomach contains various enzymes and hydrochloric acids which help in food digestion. New Vaccine For Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infections. One should include barley, jowar and wheat as staple food. Excessive intake of caffeine also leads to acidity. It is a problem which is aggravated when one has poor eating habits. Acidity is related to heartburn and gas formation in stomach. It occurs after having meals and is caused by conditions associated with excess intra-abdominal pressure like lifting weights or straining.

Foods which are rich in fats, such as chocolates cause acidity or acid reflux diseases. Acidity occurs when there is excess secretion of acids by the gastric glands of the stomach. It can also occur while lying down and is relieved when the individual sits upright. When there is a problem in the functioning of the digestive system, it results a disease called acidity. Illuminating Cancer: New Device to Improve Cancer Surgery Developed. Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acidity is caused by various factors. In ayurveda it is considerd to be caused by the aggarvation of pitta dosha that is responsible for burning sensation caused in the chest region. In acidity, acid reflux or gastroesopohageal reflux disease, or more commonly known as urdhva gata amalpitta in ayurveda, there is a movement of gastric juices (carrying acid) from the stomach into the lower esophagus (food pipe). (Counseling by professionals and friendly peer groups, who do not smoke can help you in quitting smoking. Carrot leaves, celery leaves and curry leaves are helpful in controlling acidity. Frame Size Calculator Height and Weight for Children Height and Weight by Body Frame for Adults Ideal Baby Weight Ideal Body Weight - Adults. Eat carbohydrate rich food like rice, as they are easily digested and with no acid formation. What to eat and how much to eat is an important factor in controlling acidity. Acidity is generally accompanied by heartburn, which is characterized by a pain accompanied by burning in the chest behind the sternum (breast-bone). Celery has a high level of magnesium and iron as well. Other causes of acidity or heartburn are pregnancy, aging, obesity, and bad eating habit, like eating junk foods Acidity leads to burning sensation in stomach and chest area. Interview With Dr Jeyaraj Duraipandian on the Incidence of Stroke in India. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux disease is defined as a disorder in which mucosal damage is produced by the abnormal reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus or food pipe. Avoid eating fried, fatty, junk foods, and excessive chocolates.

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